HELLO! Denita House here!

I am a Portrait Photographer from Southwest Virginia, specializing in high school seniors. I have lived in the area since 2017. Since moving here, I have fallen in love with the people and the beauty of the area!

I remember when I was young my grandpa gave me a camera as a gift, and I had been interested in photographs of every kind since then. I never really tried to take photos myself other than for special occasions, like the last day of school or a going to the zoo. I couldn't tell you how many disposable cameras I went through growing up! haha

I started my photography journey over 10 years ago when I couldn't get other professionals to take good portraits of my daughter. She needed just a little bit more time to warm up, get the wiggles out and some instruction and patience to help her through. I fell in love! I wanted to take pictures of EVERYTHING! Why hadn't I done this when I was younger? My friends and family started asking for me to take their pictures and I have been studying ever since.

Before I moved to Glade Spring VA, I had been working in childcare for over 10 years. When it was time for me to start working again, I decided I wanted to do something different and have been consistently learning and growing my photography skills ever since!

Senior Year is a HUGE milestone in your life, and you should have the best portrait experience possible. I believe in helping seniors become more comfortable and confident in who they are, quirks and all! I do this by making sure your session is unique to you and allows your personality and individuality to shine through!

I can't wait to hear from you!